
MASQUE OF AFRICA, THE(ISBN=9780307270733) azw3 下载 fb2 在线 docx 2025 pdf kindle



MASQUE OF AFRICA, THE(ISBN=9780307270733)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780307270733
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-10
  • 页数:256
  • 价格:104.90
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


Like all of V. S. Naipaul’s “travel” books, The Masque of

Africa encompasses a much larger narrative and purpose: to

judge the effects of belief (in indigenous animisms, the foreign

religions of Christianity and Islam, the cults of leaders and

mythical history) upon the progress of civilization.

From V. S. Naipaul: “For my travel books I travel on a theme. And

the theme of The Masque of Africa is African belief. I begin

in Uganda, at the center of the continent, do Ghana and Nigeria,

the Ivory Coast and Gabon, and end at the bottom of the continent,

in South Africa. My theme is belief, not political or economical

life; and yet at the bottom of the continent the political

realities are so overwhelming that they have to be taken into


“Perhaps an unspoken aspect of my inquiry was the possibility of

the subversion of old Africa by the ways of the outside world. The

theme held until I got to the South, when the clash of the two ways

of thinking and believing became far too one-sided. The skyscrapers

of Johannesburg didn’t rest on sand. The older world of magic felt

fragile, but at the same time had an enduring quality. You felt

that it would survive any calamity.

“I had expected that over the great size of Africa the practices of

magic would significantly vary. But they didn’t. The diviners

everywhere wanted to ‘throw the bones’ to read the future, and the

idea of ‘energy’ remained a constant, to be tapped into by the

ritual sacrifice of body parts. In South Africa body parts, mainly

of animals, but also of men and women, made a mixture of ‘battle

medicine.’ To witness this, to be given some idea of its power, was

to be taken far back to the beginning of things.

“To reach that beginning was the purpose of my book.”

The Masque of Africa is a masterly achievement by one of the

world’s keenest observers and one of its greatest writers.


1. The Tomb at Kasubi

2. Sacred Places

3. Men Possessed

4. The Forest King

5. Children of the Old Forest

6. Private Monuments, Private



V. S. Naipaul was born in Trinidad in 1932. He went to England

on a scholarship in 1950. After four years at University College,

Oxford, he began to write, and since then has followed no other

profession. He has published thirty books of fiction and

nonfiction, including A House for Mr. Biswas, A Bend in the

River, A Turn in the South and a collection of letters,

Between Father and Son. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in

Literature in 2001.






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praise for V. S. Naipaul’s THE MASQUE OF AFRICA


“This latest journey to the continent is part of a larger whole,

the developing narrative of a single consciousness…. The Masque

of Africa marks a startling evolution of that consciousness….

Still writing with the same spare, acerbic lyricism…Naipaul is

willing to express a new attitude, one of self-doubt. This

acknowledgement of human frailty—starting with his own—broadens his

observational powers immeasurably…. [providing] a new capacity for

wonderment [and a] new willingness to explore the authenticity of

indigenous African belief…. The tone of this, his most recent foray

into the search for life’s meaning, is respectful and sometimes

even hesitant…. [W]e move from one voice to the next without really

noticing that the speaker has changed. There’s not a lot of

unnecessary scene-setting: what’s important is what’s being said….

Naipaul has always revealed a curious admixture of extrovert and

introvert on the page…. Now…more adept at switching between these

two ways of being with less violence…he has found a greater ability

to poke fun at himself…. [With this] new kind of humor—one that,

being softer, is even sharper [Naipaul] transcends the shadowy

wryness to which his readers have long been accustomed…. [His is a]

brilliant and elastic mind.”


Griswold, The New York Times Book Review


“A master still at his craft….Naipaul’s writing [is] simple,

concise, engaging…. Like Flaubert and Hemingway, Naipaul uses less

to say more, and here he has few equals…. [T]he obscurity of his

inquiry makes it fresh…. Naipaul’s latest African journey is

eyewitness reporting at its best…. [T]he writing [has] a texture,

honestly and ground truth that makes high-minded criticism ring

somewhat hollow.”

         Alex Perry,

Time Magazine


“[Naipaul] is attentive to and gives voice to people, all sorts of

people…. In The Masque of Africa, Naipaul uses himself as a

character only as a way for us to see others through his conflicts,

moods, ears, eyes, and biases. And in between his scenes of sharply

observed interactions, we are always surrounded by the people of

the continent talking.”


Wainaina, Boston Globe


“Naipaul gets it. He is dry, often irked, sometimes enraged….But he

is also patient (not a trait often associated with him), engaged,

funny, self-reflective and thoughtful….in writing shorn of

excess…he has a wicked way with syntax….The Masque of Africa

is a book for outsiders, for those who may never visit Africa or

may know it only superficially. But it is also a book in which

Africans themselves may find something to learn. Naipaul is a

difficult, imperfect narrator who does not care to be liked, but he

is an honest one and doesn’t dissemble. Somehow, by the end of it

all, and despite his best efforts, I have grown to like him.”


Forna, The Observer (London)


“[O]ne of Naipaul’s most stirring books….[he] combines the

objectivity of a disaster photographer and an understanding of



Alibhai-Brown, The Independent (London)


“[Naipaul] provide[s] a narrative order for people to make sense of

what has happened to them….His honesty about his failures to

connect with people makes us better able to appreciate his

breakthroughs. Part of the pleasure of reading him is watching his

frustration cool into comprehension….With extraordinary

sensitivity, Naipaul registers the beauty of these traditions but

also captures their cruelty.”


Meaney, Bookforum


“This beautiful and humane book is less Olympian than some of

Naipaul’s earlier travel narratives, though the idea that underpins

it is so basic that it achieves a kind of majesty. Cruelty to

animals and to nature will destroy men too. ‘The ground around the

abattoir goes on and on. When sights like this meet the eyes…there

can be no idea of humanity, no idea of grandeur.’”




“[A] elegiac spiritual return to a landscape he once inhabited in

1966…. Ever fair-minded, soberly reflective, and conciliatory,

Naipaul offers his sage observations in the hope that by learning

more, we accept greater.”


Weekly (starred review)


“Naipaul narrates the journey with finely wrought detail,

transporting the reader to the landscapes and city scenes he

describes. Naipaul is witty, and his writing can be quite charming

and delicate. He is also disarmingly frank in his assessments, a

quality often not found in discussions of belief…. A sharply

written and engrossing exploration of the effects of religious and

spiritual belief on societies. Effective both as a vivid piece of

travel writing and for its glimpses of belief in Africa.”







Like all of V. S. Naipaul's "travel" books, The Masque of Africa encompasses a much larger narrative and purpose: to judge the effects of belief (in indigenous animisms, the foreign religions of Christianity and Islam, the cults of leaders and mythical history) upon the progress of civilization.

from V.S.Naipaul:

For my travel books I travel on a theme. And the theme of The Masque of Africa is African belief. I begin in Uganda, at the center of the continent, do Ghana and Nigeria, the Ivory Coast and Gabon, and end at the bottom of the continent, in South Africa. My theme is belief, not political or economical life; and yet at the bottom of the continent the political realities are so overwhelming that they have to be taken into account.

Perhaps an unspoken aspect of my inquiry was the possibility of the subversion of old Africa by the ways of the outside world. The theme held until I got to the South, when the clash of the two ways of thinking and believing became far too one-sided. The skyscrapers of Johannesburg didn't rest on sand. The older world of magic felt fragile, but at the same time had an enduring quality. You felt that they would survive any calamity.

I had expected that over the great size of Africa the practices of magic would significantly vary. But they didn't. The diviners everywhere wanted to "throw the bones," to read the future and the idea of "energy" remained a constant, to be tapped into by the ritual sacrifice of body parts. In South Africa body parts, mainly of animals, but also of men and women, made a mixture of "battle medicine." To witness this, to be given some idea of its power, was to be taken far back to the beginning of things.

To reach that beginning was the purpose of my book.



































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