
ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK(ISBN=9780385523394) azw3 下载 fb2 在线 docx 2025 pdf kindle



ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK(ISBN=9780385523394)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780385523394
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2011-03
  • 页数:327
  • 价格:58.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


  With a career, a boyfriend, and a loving family, Piper Kerman

barely resembles the reckless young woman who delivered a suitcase

of drug money ten years ago. But that past has caught up with her.

Convicted and sentenced to fifteen months at the infamous federal

correctional facility in Danbury, Connecticut, the well-heeled

Smith College alumna is now inmate #11187-424—one of the millions

of women who disappear “down the rabbit hole” of the American penal

system. From her first strip search to her final release, Kerman

learns to navigate this strange world with its strictly enforced

codes of behavior and arbitrary rules, where the uneasy

relationship between prisoner and jailer is constantly and

unpredictably recalibrated. She meets women from all walks of life,

who surprise her with small tokens of generosity, hard words of

wisdom, and simple acts of acceptance. Heartbreaking, hilarious,

and at times enraging, Kerman’s story offers a rare look into the

lives of women in prison—why it is we lock so many away and what

happens to them when they’re there.

Look for special features inside.

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  Piper Kerman is vice president of a Washington, D.C.–based

communications firm that works with foundations and nonprofits. A

graduate of Smith College, she lives in Brooklyn.

  From the Hardcover edition.






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When I walked through the terrifying gates of the FCI seven months before,I certainly didn't look like a gangster, but I had a gangster mentality. Gangsters only care about themselves and theirs. My overwhelming regret over my actions was because of the trauma I had caused my loved ones and the consequences I was facing. Even when my clothes were taken away and replaced by prison khakis, I would have scoffed at the idea that the "War on Drugs"was anything but a joke. I would have argued that the government's drug laws were at best proven ineffectual every day and at worst conceived and unevenly and unfairly enforced based on race and class, and thus intellectually and morally bankrupt. And those things all were true.

But now, when I looked in dismay at Allie, who was champing at the ...

I made it thinking about you, of course it's not much but it's something that should make you smile and it's different. I will have you in my heart from now and always.

May you have many more to come

I had joked that I had to do hard time in order to break the Curse so the Red Sox could win, and now I felt that there was some strange truth to that. The world I knew had changed right there in the bottom of the ninth

I believed that everyone should be able to practice according to their own preferences and beliefs, but an awful lot of pilgrims in prison seem to be making it up as they go along, in silly ways-------wearing a contraband napkin on their head one month when they're practicing Islam, and the appearing in the Buddhist meditation circle the next-----after realizing that they could duck out of work for this new brand of religious observance Couple that with a pretty reliable volume of ignorance about the rest of the world's faiths("Well, the Jews did kill Jesus...everyone knows that!"), and I generally didn't want any part of it

I had long recognized that faith helped people understand their relationship tp their community. In the best cases it helped women in Danbury focus on what they had...

I had only the most tenuous idea of what might happen next, but I knew that I would have to be brave. Not foolhardy, not in love with risk and danger, not making ridiculous exhibitions of myself to prove that I wasn't terrified—really, genuinely brave. Brave enough to be quiet when quiet was called for, brave enough to observe before flinging myself into something, brave enough to not abandon my true self when someone else wanted to seduce or force me in a direction I didn't want to go, brave enough to stand my ground quietly. I waited an unquantifiable amount of time while trying to be brave.



  “Fascinating . . . The true subject of this unforgettable book

is female bonding and the ties that even bars can’t unbind.”

—People (four stars)

  “I LOVED THIS BOOK. . . . It’s a story rich with humor, pathos,

and redemption. What I did not expect from this memoir was the

affection, compassion, and even reverence that Piper Kerman

demonstrates for all the women she encountered while she was locked

away in jail. This book is not just a tale of prisons, drugs,

crime, or justice; it is, simply put, a beautifully told story

about how incredible women can be, and I will never forget

it.”—Elizabeth Gilbert, New York Times

  bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love

  “This book is impossible to put down because [Kerman] could be

you. Or your best friend. Or your daughter.” —Los Angeles


  “Moving . . . transcends the memoir genre’s usual

self-centeredness to explore how human beings can always surprise

you.”—USA Today

  “It’s a compelling awakening, and a harrowing one—both for the

reader and for Kerman.”—Newsweek.com


With a career, a boyfriend, and a loving family, Piper Kerman barely resembles the reckless young woman who delivered a suitcase of drug money ten years ago. But that past has caught up with her. Convicted and sentenced to fifteen months at the infamous federal correctional facility in Danbury, Connecticut, the well-heeled Smith College alumna is now inmate #11187-424—one of the millions of women who disappear “down the rabbit hole” of the American penal system. From her first strip search to her final release, Kerman learns to navigate this strange world with its strictly enforced codes of behavior and arbitrary rules, where the uneasy relationship between prisoner and jailer is constantly and unpredictably recalibrated. She meets women from all walks of life, who surprise her with small tokens of generosity, hard words of wisdom, and simple acts of acceptance. Heartbreaking, hilarious, and at times enraging, Kerman’s story offers a rare look into the lives of women in prison—why it is we lock so many away and what happens to them when they’re there.

Look for special features inside.

Join the Circle for author chats and more.




































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