
The Living Trust Advisor: Everything You Need To Know About Your Living Trust生前信托顾问:生前信托知识大全书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780470261187
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2008-09
- 页数:258
- 价格:298.30
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:精装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
The living trust is the primary tool for the after-death transfer of assets to spouses, children, grandchildren, and other heirs. The Living Trust Advisor shares the secrets of how to distribute wealth to future generations and protect that wealth once it's in their hands. Bestselling author Jeffrey Condon is a second-generation expert on living trusts, having coauthored with his father, Gerald Condon, Beyond the Grave: The Right Way and the Wrong Way of Leaving Money to Your Children (and Others) (978-0-060-93631-0), acclaimed by the Wall Street Journal as "the best estate planning book in America." In crisp, clear language, The Living Trust Advisor reveals how money should be held and managed in a living trust and distributed to beneficiaries, and covers important issues in the inheritance arena such as protecting the inheritance from the children's risk of loss, treating children and grandchildren differently, disinheriting children, leaving property to children, protecting a surviving spouse whose children are grasping for an early inheritance, and much more.
Jeffrey L. Condon (Santa Monica, CA) is a bestselling author and an attorney, who has practiced family inheritance law for 20 years.
attorney at
Condon & Condon in
Santa Monica, California, where he has prac-ticed in trusts, estates, and family inheritance planning for twenty years. With his late father, Gerald M. Condon, he is the coauthor of Beyond the Grave: The Right Way and the Wrong Way OFf Leaving Money to Your Children (and Others), which is the bestselling inheri- tance planning book in American publishing history, and was called "the best estate plan- ning book in America" by the Wall Street Journal. He is a frequent public speaker and commentator, having appeared on CNN and CNBC, and has conducted seminars for a multitude of organizations and charities,including Merrill Lynch,
Charles Schwab,Washington Mutual Bank, and American Insurance Company.
Pregame Warm-up
Or Read This Before You Read This Book.
The First Quarter. Establishing Your Living Trust.
Chapter 1. How You Established Your Living Trust without a Clear Understanding of What It Is and How It Works.
Or You Don't Know What You Don't Know About Your Living Trust.
Chapter 2. What Does the Living Trust Do, and How Does It Do It?
Or The Best Explanation of the Living Trust You Will Ever Get.
Chapter 3. Do You Really Need a Living Trust?
Or Don't Let Someone Sell You Something You Don't Need.
Chapter 4. Establishing Your Living Trust.
Or No Better Way To Get Started? Than To Get Started.
Chapter 5. Who Should You Select as the Lifetime Agent of Your Living Trust?
Or If You Become Incapacitated, Will Your Lifetime Agent Manage Your Living Trust for Your Benefit…or for His?
Chapter 6. You Can Select Your Children as Your After-Death Agent, but Will They Carry out Your Living Trust's Inheritance Instructions?
Or “That Was Our Parent's Wish, but It Ain't Our Wish”.
The Second Quarter. Living with Your Living Trust during the Lifetime of You and Your Spouse.
Chapter 7. Functions of Your Living Trust While Both You and Your Spouse Are Alive.
Or Don't Quite Forget About Your Living Trust after You Have Thrown It into Your Safe Deposit Box.
Chapter 8: The “Five Concerns” About the Real Estate You Transferred to Your Living Trust
Or You Still Own Your House!!
Chapter 9. Should You Tell Your Children About Your Living Trust?
Or Don't Dismiss the Chance to Have a Family Inheritance Meeting – Especially If the Lawyer Won't Charge You.
The Third Quarter. Living with Your Living Trust after the Death of Your Spouse.
Chapter 10. Will You Divert Your Deceased Spouse's Half of the Living Trust Assets from Your Offspring?
Or How to Make Your Children Fret and Hope That You Will “Do the Right Thing”.
Chapter 11. The Power to Change Your Deceased Spouse's Inheritance Instructions.
Or How to “Lord Over” Your Child with Threats of Changing Your Living Trust
Chapter 12. Dealing with Your Living Trust If You Remarry.
Or The Battle Royale: Your Second Spouse Vs. Your First Children.
Chapter 13. Splitting the Living Trust Assets after Your Spouse Dies, Preparing Your Spouse's Estate Tax Return, and Other Tax Stuff That You Would Rather Just Ignore.
Or As Much as You Want To, Don't Skip This Chapter! To Prevent Estate Taxes after Your Death, You Must Deal with Estate Tax Matters after Your Spouse's Death.
The Fourth Quarter. Dying with Your Living Trust
Chapter 14. Distribution of Your Living Trust after Both You and Your Spouse Are Dead.
Or The Inheritance Arena Is Not for the Faint-Hearted.
Chapter 15. Don't Intentionally Leave Your Children an Unequal Inheritance.
Or So What If One Needs It More Than the Other?
Chapter 16. The Accidental Unequal Inheritance.
Or If You Think You Have Treated Your Children Equally by Leaving Them an Equal Inheritance, I Have Some News for You!
Chapter 17. Don't Make a Child Who Owes You Money a Debtor to Your Other Children.
Or An Unforgiven and Unpaid Loan to a Child Can Wreak Havoc after Your Death.
Chapter 18. Do Not Leave Your Child an Outright Inheritance.
Or I'm Not Kidding! Don't Leave Your Child an Outright Inheritance.
Chapter 19. Using Your Living Trust to Force Your Child into a Conventional Lifestyle.
Or If the Twig Is Bent, Will Force Do Anything to Straighten It Out?
Chapter 20. The Success of the Third Party Irrevocable Protection Trust (Tippit) Depends on Whom You've Selected as the Third-Party.
Or Try Not to Appoint One Private Person To Hold and Manage Money for Another Private Person.
Chapter 21. Who Are Your Grandchildren?
Or Do You Really Want Your Living Trust Assets To Ultimately Wind up with Your Son's Second Wife's Kids from Her First Marriage?
Chapter 22. The IRS Is Back! and This Time, It's for Real!
Or “Sorry About Your Parents' Deaths. That Will Be $200,000 Please”.
Chapter 23. Who Pays the Estate Tax?
Or Don't Make One Person Pay the Estate Tax on Living Trust Gifts That Go to Another Person.
Post-Game. Review and Lessons Learned.
Chapter 24. Question And Answer Time!
Or Take the Opportunity to Ask Your Questions to This Expensive Lawyer …for No Charge.
Chapter 25. A Random Sampling of Cautionary Tales from the Inheritance Arena.
Or Read About, and Learn From, My Previous Mistakes and the Mistakes of My Clients.
About the Author.
Or An Invitation from the Author to Contact Him for No Charge.
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Praise for The Living Trust Advisor
The Living Trust Advisor is a necessary survival guide in the inheritance arena for every American in these turbulent economic times."-–Congressman Thaddeus McCotter
Living trusts can be the most important part of an estate plan–saving time and money by reducing or eliminating estate taxes and by avoiding probate. For all those who have or are considering a living trust, The Living Trust Advisor is an invaluable source and an essential tool for any estate plan. Your beneficiaries will thank you."-–Angelique M. Neal,
former attorney with the IRS,
Office of Chief Counsel, Los Angeles
In The Living Trust Advisor Jeffrey Condon not only shows how to make the baffling world of trusts work for the average person, but gives invaluable advice on navigating the complex web of family emotions that inevitably come to the surface in estate planning. His expert advice and guidance should be on the bookshelf of anyone who needs more than just a basic will."-–Brian J. O′Connor,
Personal Finance Editor, The Detroit News
Jeffrey Condon bonds with the reader on a level that encourages our complete trust in his trust instructions. In this book, he wisely walks readers through all of the pitfalls, tax implications, changes that may occur, and subsequent legal implications. The Living Trust Advisor is a fine and entertaining read as well as an indispensable resource for everyone in need of advice and compassion in making a will or a trust."-–Grady Harp,
Reviewer for Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Powells, Reuters, USA Today, and Blogging Authors, Author of War Songs, and contributor of essays to museum catalogues
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