
固化复合吸附剂特及其在能源转换中的应用9787030685810兴海图书专营店 azw3 下载 fb2 在线 docx 2025 pdf kindle




  • ISBN:9787030685810
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2021-01
  • 页数:283
  • 价格:164.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


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1 Introduction

1.1 Solid Sorption Phenomena

1.2 Fundamental Principle of Solid Sorption

1.3 Solid Sorption Wo Pairs

1.4 Solid Composite Sorbents with ENG Matrix

1.5 Solid Sorption Theory

1.6 Energy Conversion Cycles of Solid Composite Sorbents


2 Development of Solid Composite Sorbents

2.1 Techniques for Processing Natural Graphite

2.1.1 ENG without GIC

2.1.2 ENG-GICs

2.2 Techniques for Developing the Composite Solid Sorbents with ENG

2.2.1 Simple Mixture and Consolidation

2.2.2 Impregnation and Compression

2.3 Techniques for Developing the Composite Solid Sorbents

with Activated Carbon Fiber or Activated Carbon

2.3.1 The Characteristics of Active Carbon Fiber

2.3.2 Composite Sorbent with Activated Carbon Fiber as Matrix

2.3.3 Composite Sorbent with Activated Carbon as Matrix

2.4 Techniques for Developing the Composite Solid Sorbents with Silica Gel


3 Properties of Solid Composite Sorbents

3.1 Properties of Consolidated ENG

3.1.1 Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity and Permeability of CENG without GICs

3.1.2 Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity and Permeability of CENG-GICs

3.2 Properties of Composite Solid Sorbents with ENG

3.2.1 The Physical Composite Sorbents

3.2.2 The Chemical Composite Sorbents

3.3 Properties of Composite Solid Sorbents with Activated

Carbon and Activated Carbon Fiber

3.3.1 Composite Solid Sorbents with Activated Carbon

3.3.2 Composite Solid Sorbents with Activated Carbon Fiber

3.4 Properties of Composite Solid Sorbents with Silica Gel

3.4.1 Composite Sorbents of Silica Gel and CaC12

3.4.2 The Composite Sorbent of Silica Gel and LiC1

3.4.3 The Comparison between Activated Carbon Fiber and Silica Gel as Matrix


4 Kiics of Solid Composite Sorbents

4.1 Typical Principles and Phenomena

4.1.1 Clapeyron Equation

4.1.2 Precursor State of Solid Chemisorption in Halide-Ammonia

4.1.3 The Desorption Hysteresis Phenomenon

4.2 Analysis of Five Classical Kiic Models

4.2.1 An Analogical Model Considering Various Classifications of Kiic Parameters

4.2.2 An Analogical Model Uncoupling the Kiic and Thermal Equation

4.2.3 An Analytical Model Based on the Thermophysical Properties of the Reaction Medium

4.2.4 Phenomenological Grain-Pellet Model

4.2.5 A Numerical Model for CHPs

4.3 Sorption Phenomena in Halide-Ammonia Wo Pairs Developments in Recent Years

4.3.1 Non-equilibrium Clapeyron Figure

4.3.2 New Discoveries Related to Sorption Hysteresis

4.3.3 Part of the Composite Sorbent Models

4.4 The Development Direction of Kiic Models for Further Research


5 Solid Sorption Cycle for Refrigeration, Water Production, Eliminating NOx Emission and Heat Transfer

5.1 Solid Sorption Cycle for Refrigeration

5.1.1 Single-Stage Solid Sorption Refrigeration Cycle

5.1.2 Two-Stage Chemisorption Cycle with CaCI2/BaCI2-NH3 Wo Pair

5.1.3 A MnC12/CaCI2-NH3 Two-Stage Solid Sorption Freezing System for the Refrigerated Truck

5.2 Solid Sorption Cycle for Water Production

5.2.1 Principle of the Cycle and System Design

5.2.2 The Lab System Driven by Electricity

5.2.3 The Test System Driven by Solar Power

5.2.4 Scalable Prototype with Energy Storage Tank

5.3 Solid Sorption Cycle for Eliminating NOx Emission

5.3.1 Wo Principle

5.3.2 Theoretical Performance Analysis of Halide-NH3 Chemisorption

5.3.3 Results of Composite Sorbents-NH3

5.4 Solid Sorption Cycle for Heat Transfer

5.4.1 Fundamentals of SSHP

5.4.2 Experimental Setup

5.4.3 Thermal Performance of SSHP


6 Solid Sorption Cycle for Energy Storage, Electricity Generation and Cogeneration

6.1 Solid Sorption Cycle for Energy Storage

6.1.1 Elishment of the Heat and Refrigeration Cogeneration Cycle

6.1.2 Performance Analysis

6.1.3 Results and Discussions

6.2 Solid Sorption Cycle for Electricity and Refrigeration Cogeneration

6.2.1 Cogeneration Principle and Theoretical Analysis

6.2.2 Experiment Set-up

6.2.3 Results and Discussions

6.3 Resorption Cycle for Electricity and Refrigeration Cogeneration

6.3.1 Design and Performance Analysis of a Resorption Cogeneration System

6.3.2 An Optimized Chemisorption Cycle for Power Generation








Chapter 1Introduction

  Abstract In this chapter, we give a summary for the solid composite ents,including the fundamental principle, theory and wo pairs of solid sorption,properties of composite ents with expanded natural graphite(ENG) matrix, aswell as the energy conversion cycles of solid composite ents. Basically,thefeatures and the development of solid composite ents are djscussed thoroughly.Keywords Composite ent Expanded natural graphite - Wo pair

Cycle - Energy conversion

  Sustainable development is the common pursuit of people all over the world, and forwhich the energy utilization is the key factor. The rapid development of economyis usually accompanied by huge energy consumption. as well as the pollution to theenvironment. One important strategy for the sustainable development is to coordinatethe relations among the energy utilization, economy development and environmentalprotection.

  In terms of environmental protection,the destruction of the ozone layer bychlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) haecome a recognized problem all over the world.CFCs are very important stances in compression refrigeration. As an alternativestance,HCFCs can only be used temporarily because they also affect the ozonelayer. At the same time, for central heating, the combustion of gas and coal increasescarbon dioxide emissions. As people all over the world demand more and morecomfortable living conditions, the increasingly serious greenhouse effect and ozonelayer depletion have gotten more and more attention. To find a type of green tech-nology for air conditioning, heat pump, energy storage, and electricity generation isvery important for solving the problems caused by the conventional technology.Another key issue for refrigeration and heat pump is the energy utilization.Conventional compression refrigerators and heat pumps are usually driven by elec-tricity. The electricity demand increases fast with the development of the society.According to data provided by the Us Department of Energy,air conditioningaccounts for about 12% of US home energy expenditures in 18-19.Meanwhile,the electricity consumption by the airconditioner in China occupies 34%e of the whole world consumption in 18-19.The energy efficiency of electricity generation bythermal power plant is only about 40% to 50%, of which a great part of the energyhaeen released to the environment as the waste heat with the temperature around70-0 °C. Meanwhile the solar energy and geothermal heat also exist with greatamount in the environment as low-grade energy. The development of refrigeration,heat pump and energy storage technologies driven by low-grade thermal energy suchas factory waste heat, solar energy,and geothermal energy will be a solution for futureenergy conservation.

  Sorption refrigeration, heat pump, energy storage and water production technolo-gies are driven by low-grade thermal energy and adopt green refrigerants,whichare in harmony with the current energy and environmental sustainability require-ments. First of all, sorption refrigeration technology has very low requirements forelectricity. Secondly, the refrigerants of sorption refrigeration are generally water,ammonia,methanol and other stances,which are green refrigerants with zeroODP(ozone depletion potential) and zero GwP(greenbouse effect potentia]).

   a kind of sorption technology, the solid sorption has received more and moreattention since the 1970s. Compared with absorption refrigeration technology, thesolid sorption refrigeration has great scopes of ents,including different phys-ical and chemical ents,which could satisfy the low-grade heat in the range of50-400 °C. Secondly,solid sorption refrigeration does not require solution pumpsand rectification equipments, so there are no refrigerant pollution and solution crys-tallization problems that often occur in absorption refrigeration technology. But ingeneral, the efficiency of solid sorption refrigeration is not as good asorptionrefrigeration, and the solid sorption bed also has the disadvantage of large size. Solidsorption technology haeen recognized as an essential supplementary technologyfor the absorption technology because of these advantages and disadvantages.

1.1Solid Sorption Phenomena

  According to the different forces for solid sorption processes,the solid sorptionis divided into physical solid sorption and solid chemisorption[1]. The physicalsolid sorption is accomplished by van der Waals forces among the molecules, whichgenerally occur on the surface of the ent. The physical solid sorption doesn'thave the selectivity, which means the multi-layer solid sorption can be formed.Thephenomenon of physical solid sorption can be regarded as the condensation processof the refrigerant inside the ent. For most ents, the heat of solid sorptionis similar to the condensation heat of the refrigerant. The ent molecules forthe physical soli












































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