
- ISBN:9787301341063
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2023-06
- 页数:545
- 价格:68.10
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:平装-胶订
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
1;;Introduction to Geics 1;;绪论 1.1;;Geics Has an Interesting Early History 1.1;;有趣的遗传学早期历史 1.2;;Geics Progressed from Mendel to DNA in Less Than a Century 1.2;;从孟德尔到DNA ——遗传学在一个世纪内的飞展 1.3;;Discovery of the Double Helix Launched the Era of Molecular Geics 1.3;;DNA 双螺旋结构的发现开启了分子遗传学新纪元 1.4;;Development of Recombinant DNA Technology Began the Era of DNA Cloning 1.4;;重组DNA 技术的发展开启了DNA 克隆时代 1.5;;The Impact of Biotechnology Is Continually Expanding 1.5;;生物技术的影响正持续扩大 1.6;;Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics Are New and Expanding Fields 1.6;;基因组学、蛋白质组学和生物信息学是日益发展的新兴领域 1.7;;Geic Studies Rely on the Use of Model Organisms 1.7;;遗传学研究依赖于模式生物的使用 1.8;;Geics Has Had a Profound Impact on Society 1.8;;遗传学对社会已经产生了深远影响 2;;Mitosis and Meiosis 2;;有丝分裂和减数分裂 2.1;;Cell Structure Is Closely Tied to Geic Function 2.1;;细胞结构与遗能紧密相关 2.2;;Chromosomes Exist in Homologous Pairs in Diploid Organisms 2.2;;二倍体生物中染色体以同源染色体对的形式存在 2.3;;Mitosis Partitions Chromosomes into Dividing Cells 2.3;;有丝分裂将染色体分配分裂细胞中 2.4;;Meiosis Creates Haploid Gametes and Spores and Enhances Geic Variation in Species 2.4;;减数分裂产生单倍体配子和孢子并增加了物种的遗传变异 2.5;;The Development of Gametes Varies in Spermatogenesis Compared to Oogenesis 2.5;;精子发生与卵子发生中的配子发育差异 2.6;;Meiosis Is Critical to Sexual Reproduction in All Diploid Organisms 2.6;;减数分裂对于所有二倍体生物的有生殖都关重要 2.7;;Electron Microscopy Has Revealed the Physical Structure of Mitotic and Meiotic Chromosomes 2.7;;电子显微镜揭示了有丝分裂和减数分裂过程中的染色体结构 3;;Mendelian Geics 3;;孟德尔遗传学 3.1;;Mendel Used a Model Experimental Approach to Study Patterns of Inheritance 3.1;;孟德尔使用模型实验方法研究遗传模式 3.2;;The Monohybrid Cross Reveals How One Trait Is Transmitted from Generation to Generation 3.2;;单因子杂交揭示了单一状世代传递的规律 3.3;;Mendel’s Dihybrid Cross Generated a Unique F2 Ratio 3.3;;孟德尔双因子杂交产生的F2 代比例 3.4;;The Trihybrid Cross Demonstrates That Mendel’s Principles Apply to Inheritance of Multiple Traits 3.4;;三因子杂交表明孟德尔定律适用于多状遗传 3.5;;Mendel’s Work Was Rediscovered in the Early Twentieth Century 3.5;;孟德尔的工作在 世纪初被重新发现 3.6;;Independent Assortment Leads to Extensive Geic Variation 3.6;;自由组合产生广泛的遗传变异 3.7;;Laws of Probability Help to Explain Geic Events 3.7;;概率理论有助于解释遗传学事件 3.8;;Chi-Square Analysis Evaluates the Influence of Chance on Geic Data 3.8;;卡方分析评估偶然对于遗传数据的影响 3.9;;Pedigrees Reveal Patterns of Inheritance of Human Trait 3.9;;系谱图揭示了人类状的遗传模式 3.10;;Tay-Sachs Disease: The Molecular Basis of a Recessive Disorder in Humans 3.10;;泰-萨克斯病:人类隐遗传疾病的分子基础 4;;Modification of Mendelian Ratios 4;;孟德尔比率的扩展 4.1;;Alleles Alter Phenotypes in Different Ways 4.1;;等位基因通过不同途径影响表型 4.2;;Geicists Use a Variety of Symbols for Alleles 4.2;;遗传学家使用多种符号表示等位基因 4.3;;Neither Allele Is Dominant in Incomplete, or Partial, Dominance 4.3;;在不接近显中没有等位基因是显的 4.4;;In Codominance, the Influence of Both Alleles in a Heterozygote Is Clearly Evident 4.4;;在共显中,杂合子两种等位基因的影响十分明显 4.5;;Multiple Alleles of a Gene May Exist in a Population 4.5;;生物种群中可能存在复等位基因 4.6;;Lethal Alleles Represent Essential Genes 4.6;;致死等位基因体现必需基因 4.7;;Combinations of Two Gene Pairs with Two Modes of Inheritance Modify the 9:3:3:1 Ratio 4.7;;两对基因通过两种遗传模行组合扩展了9 ∶ 3 ∶ 3 ∶ 1 比例 4.8;;Phenotypes Are Often Affected by More Than One Gene 4.8;;表型通常由一种以上的基因共同决定 4.9;;Complementation Analysis Can Determine if Two Mutations Causing a Similar Phenotype Are Alleles of the Same Gene 4.9;;互补分析可以判断引发相似表型的突变是否是同一基因的不同等位基因 4.10;;Expression of a Single Gene May Have Multiple Effects 4.10;;单基因表达可以产生多种基因效应 4.11;;X-Linkage Describes Genes on the X Chromosome 4.11;;X连锁描述位于X 染色体上的基因 4.12;;In Sex-Limited and Sex-Influenced Inheritance, an Individual’s Gender Influences the Phenotype 4.12;;在限遗传和从遗传中,个体的别会影响表型 4.13;;Geic Background and the Environment Affect Phenotypic Expression 4.13;;遗传背景与环境会影响表型表达 4.14;;Extranuclear Inheritance Modifies Mendelian Patterns 4.14;;核外遗传丰富了孟德尔遗传模式 5;;Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes 5;;别决定与染色体 5.1;;X and Y Chromosomes Were First Linked to Sex Determination Early in the Twentieth Century 5.1;;世纪初,X和Y染色体确定与别决定相关 5.2;;The Y Chromosome Determines Maleness in Humans 5.2;;Y染色体决定人类雄发育 5.3;;The Ratio of Males to Females in Humans Is Not 1.0 5.3;;人类男女别比并非1.0 5.4;;Dosage Compensation Prevents Excessive Expression of X-Linked Genes in Humans and Other Mammals 5.4;;剂量补偿避免人类及其他哺乳类动物X连锁基因的过量表达 5.5;;The Ratio of X Chromosomes to Sets of Autosomes Can Determine Sex 5.5;;X染色体数目与常染色体组数的比值可以决定别 5.6;;Temperature Variation Controls Sex Determination in Reptiles 5.6;;温度变化控制爬行动物的别决定 6;;Chromosome Mutations: Variation in Number and Arrangement 6;;染色体突变: 染色体数目与结构的变异 6.1;;Variation in Chromosome Number: Terminology and Origin 6.1;;染色体数目的变异:专业术语与起源 6.2;;Monosomy and Trisomy Result in a Variety of Phenotypic Effects 6.2;;单体和三体导致不同的表型效应 6.3;;Polyploidy, in Which More Than Two Haploid Sets of Chromosomes Are Present, Is Prevalent in Plants 6.3;;含两套以上单倍染色体组成的多倍体在植物界中广泛存在 6.4;;Variation Occurs in the Composition and Arrangement of Chromosomes 6.4;;染色体结构和排列顺序的变异 6.5;;A Deletion Is a Missing Region of a Chromosome 6.5;;缺失是染色体上发生丢失的一段区域 6.6;;A Duplication Is a Repeated Segment of a Chromosome 6.6;;重复是多次出现的染色体片段 6.7;;Inversions Rearrange the Linear Gene Sequence 6.7;;倒位将线基因序行重排 6.8;;Translocations Alter the Location of Chromosomal Segments in the Genome 6.8;;易位改变了基因组中染色体片段的位置 6.9;;Fragile Sites in Human Chromosomes Are Susceptible to Breakage 6.9;;人类染色体的脆位点 7;;Linkage and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes 7;;真核生物的连锁与染色体作图 7.1;;Genes Linked on the Same Chromosome Segregate Together 7.1;;同一染色体上的连锁基因相伴分离 7.2;;Crossing Over Serves as the Basis of Determining the Distance between Genes during Mapping 7.2交换是染色体作图中确定基因间距离的基础 7.3 Determining the Gene Sequence during Mapping Requires the Analysis of Multiple Crossovers 7.3;;染色体作图中确定基因顺序需要分析多交换事件 7.4;;As the Distance between Two Genes Increases, Mapping Estimates Become More Inaccurate6 7.4;;随着基因间距离的增加,染色体作图的将随之下降 7.5;;Chromosome Mapping Is Now Pole Using DNA Markers and Annotated Computer Databases 7.5;;当今,使用DNA 标记和计算机注释数据行染色体作图已成为可能 7.6;;Other Aspects of Geic Exchange 7.6;;关于遗传交换的几点补充 8;;Geic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria and Bacteriophages 8;;细菌和噬菌体的遗传分析与染色体作图 8.1;;Bacteria Mutate Spontaneously and Are Easily Cultured 8.1;;细菌能够自发突变并易于培养 8.2;;Geic Recombination Occurs in Bacteria 8.2;;细菌的基因重组 8.3;;The F Factor Is an Example of a Plasmid 8.3;;F 因子是一种质粒 8.4;;Transformation Is Another Process Leading to Geic Recombination in Bacteria 8.4;;转化是细行遗传重组的另一种方式 8.5;;Bacteriophages Are Bacterial Viruses 8.5;;噬菌体是细菌病毒 8.6;;Transduction Is Virus-Mediated Bacterial DNA Transfer 8.6;;转导是由病毒介导的细菌DNA 转移 9;;Epigeics 9;;表观遗传学 9.1;;Molecular Alterations to the Genome Create an Epigenome 9.1;;基因组的分子变化产生了表观基因组 9.2;;Epigeics and Monoallelic Gene Expression 9.2;;表观遗传学与单等位基因表达 9.3;;Epigeics and Cancer 9.3;;表观遗传学与 9.4;;Epigeic Traits Are Heritable 9.4;;表观遗传状具有可遗传 9.5;;Epigenome Projects and Databases 9.5;;表观基因组计划与数据库 10;;Geic Testing 10;;遗传检测 10.1;;Testing for Prognostic or Diagnostic Purposes 10.1;;预后检测和诊断检测 10.2;;Prenatal Geic Testing to Screen for Conditions 10.2;;用于遗传筛查的产前遗传检测 10.3;;Geic Testing Using Allele-Specific Oligonucleotides 10.3;;利用等位基因特异的寡核苷行遗传检测 10.4;;Microarrays for Geic Testing 10.4;;用于遗传诊断的微阵列 10.5;;Geic Analysis of Individual Genomey DNA Sequencing 10.5;;运用DNA 测行个体基因组遗传分析 10.6;;Genome-Wide Association Studies Identify Genome Variations That Contribute to Disease 10.6;;全基因组关联分析鉴定导致疾病的基因组变异 10.7;;Geic Testing and Ethical, Social, and Legal Questions 10.7;;遗传检测与伦理、社会和法律问题 11;;Gene Therapy 11;;基因 11.1;;What Geic Conditions Are Candidates for Treatment by Gene Therapy? 11.1;;哪些遗传疾病有望使用基因? 11.2;;How Are Therapeutic Genes Delivered? 11.2;;如何传送基因? 11.3;;The First Successful Gene Therapy Trial 11.3;;少有基因案例 11.4;;Gene Therapy Setbacks 11.4;;基因的逆境 11.5;;Recent Successful Trialy Conventional Gene Therapy Approaches 11.5;;传统基因技术的近期尝试 11.6;;Genome-Editing Approaches to Gene Therapy 11.6;;基因中的基因编辑法 11.7;;Future Challenges and Ethical Issues 11.7;;未来的挑战及伦理问题 12;;Advances in Neurogeics: The Study of Huntington Disease 12;;神经遗传展:亨廷顿病的研究 12.1;;The Search for the Huntington Gene 12.1;;寻找亨廷顿病基因 12.2;;The HTT Gene and Its Protein Product 12.2;;HTT 基因与其蛋白质产物 12.3;;Molecular and Cellular Alterations in Huntington Disease 12.3;;亨廷顿病的分子变化和细胞变化 12.4;;Transgenic Animal Models of Huntington Disease 12.4;;亨廷顿病的转基因动物模型 12.5;;Cellular and Molecular Approaches to Therapy 12.5;;的细胞生物学和分子生物学方法 13;;DNA Forensics 13;;DNA 法医学 13.1;;DNA Profiling Methods 13.1;;DNA 分析方法 13.2;;Interpreting DNA Profiles 13.2;;DNA 图谱诠释 13.3;;Technical and Ethical Issues Surrounding DNA Profiling 13.3;;围绕DNA 分析的技术与伦理问题 14;;Geically Modified Foods 14;;转基因食品 14.1;;What Are GM Foods? 14.1;;什么是转基因食品? 14.2;;Methods Used to Create GM Plants 14.2;;构建GM 植物的方法 14.3;;GM Foods Controversies 14.3;;GM 食品之争 14.4;;The Future of GM Foods 14.4;;GM 食品的未来 15;;Genomics and Precision Medicine 15;;基因组学与 15.1;;Pharmacogenomics 15.1;;基因组学 15.2;;Precision Oncology 15.2;;学 15.3;;Precision Medicine and Disease Diagnostics 15.3;;与疾病诊断 15.4;;Technical, Social, and Ethical Challenges 15.4;;技术、社会和伦理的挑战
本书基于美国经典版教材《遗传学》Essentials of Geics(第10版)改编而来,作者结合中国遗传学教体情况及个人十多年的教学经验对原版教行了翻译和改编,并补充了网络版学材料及更贴合中国学生的学。本书不仅适合作为生物学相关专业本科生的基础教材,也可作为研究生或科研人员的重要参考用书。
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